Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Alton Towers Gives Away Beach Hut Timeshare

Beach huts are prime real estate these days - communities of beach-hutters jealously guard their property, and huge sums of money change hands on their sale! But here's a chance to grab your own share of this idyllic, very British past-time, as Alton Towers launch the first ever timeshare opportunity to own a beach hut for a day for free during its great Bucket and Spade Event from 22nd July - 3rd September.

However this is no ordinary beach hut! The Alton Towers' version, painted appropriately in union jack livery, will be on tour in selected cities[1] from 17th -21st July with the Beach Hutters, an appreciation society that believes that everybody should be able to spend some time in a hut. "Beach huts are traditionally associated with the sea and are hard to come by - but we want to take the beach hut into the urban environment, so that everybody can appreciate their charm, and better understand their unique appeal. This beacon of Britishness will inject a reminder of traditional summer holidays into our city centres", says James Lovell, Head Hutter. Look out for the Beach Hutters who will be erecting the hut in city centre locations where they will entertain passers-by with silly summer games (think knobbly knee competitions) and give away opportunities to win a free timeshare, with exclusive use of the hut with all its added extras (picnic, deckchairs, prime view etc) and entry to the park throughout the summer.

...some like it Hut...

Some Like it Hut!

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting site. Useful information. Bookmarked.

1:20 PM  

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